Not too old to Rock’n’Roll

Doch, doch: Es gibt sie noch, die Momente, in denen einem beim Durchblättern von Facebook so richtig warm ums Herz wird.

Auf einer Rolling Stones-Fanseite postete jemand dieses Bild:

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Auf ihren Konzeptalbum „Too old to Rock’n’Roll“ widmeten Jethro Tull den Titelsong dem fiktiven früheren Rockstar Ray Lomas. Dessen Geschichte geht so:

The old rocker wore his hair too long
wore his trouser cuffs too tight.
Unfashionable to the end
drank his ale too light.
Death’s head belt buckle, yesterday’s dreams
The transport caf‘, prophet of doom
Ringing no change in his double-sewn seams
in his post-war-babe gloom.
Now he’s too old to rock and roll
But he’s too young to die.
Yes he’s too old to rock and roll
but he’s too young to die.

He once owned a Harley Davidson
and a Triumph Bonneville.
Counted his friends in burned-out spark plugs
prays that he always will.
But he’s the last of the blue blood’s greaser boys
and all his mates are doing time.
Married with three kids up by the ring road.
Sold their souls straight down the line
and some of them own little sports cars.
And meet at the tennis club do’s
for drinks on a Sunday, work on Monday.
They’ve thrown away their blue suede shoes.

So the old rocker gets out his bike
to make a ton before he takes his leave.
Up on the A1 by Scotch Corner
Just like it used to be.
And as he flies, tears in his eyes
his wind-whipped words echo the final take.
And he hits the trunk road doing around a hundred and twenty
with no room left to brake.

No, you’re never too old to rock and roll
if you’re too young to die.
And no you’re never too old to rock and roll
but he was too young to die.

Dem Paar aus dem Hyde Park sind solch düstere Gedanken sicherlich fremd. Möge es noch lange rocken und rollen – im Stuhl und dahinter.

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